Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blogs About The I Love You Virus

In the interest of viruses, and while researching them for my last post, I came across a story called the I Love You virus. Two blogs, one called the I Love You Blog and the other by George Hulme, both comment on the 10th anniversary of the virus and everything that has changed since it infected so many people. As a little background, the I Love You virus “is a computer worm that successfully attacked tens of millions of Windows computers in 2000 when it was sent as an attachment to an email message with the text "ILOVEYOU" in the subject line” (Wikipedia).
                The first article, the I Love You Blog, relates mainly to its audience through emotion and pathos. It states that “we grow up hearing that there's not enough love to go around, we don't deserve love, and we're not good enough” (TheILoveYouBlog). It continues as the authors expresses how the effects that happened 10 years ago would still present themselves due to the fact that people are still just as deprived of love as we used to be. Even though the sources and effects of viruses are more widely known, this article claims that those advances are ambiguous.
                The second article, written by George Hulme for Information Week, comes across as much more scientific and appealing to ethos and logos. The author portrays himself as credible by using figures and back up evidence, not just commentary to convey his story. He remarks mostly on why the I Love You virus was so notable and how we have progressed since the attack, especially when he asserts how we have “managed to better secure the operating and E-mail [systems]” (InformationWeek). Even though it is a blog, therefore containing some bias, overall this author represents himself as less swayed by emotion, and more apt to telling the story. 

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